Manchester School of Art MA Show 2020
Aneri Gandhi
MA Design: Fashion Art Direction
Futoon Qusairy
MA Design: Fashion Art Direction
Nolan Callecod
MA Filmmaking
Joshua Wright
MA Animation
Dou Tian
MA Design: Interior Design
Charlotte Landrum
MA Filmmaking
Diana Todorova
MA Design: Fashion Art Direction
Georgia Woodhall
MA Design: Textiles for Fashion
Yifei Zhang
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction
Grace Fussell
MA/MSc Design: Product and Furniture
Chun-Mei Wang
MA Photography
Leyao Xia
MFA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction
Eve Malam
MA Design: Textile Practice
Beth Case
MA Design: Fashion Art Direction
Fiona Sinéad Brehony
MA Photography
Rhian Voyce
MA Design: Illustration
Vu Thu Ha Ho
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction
Maria Alqahtani
MA Design: Interior Design
Joanne Columbine
MA Design: Textile Practice
Oliver Alonso
MA Fine Art
Chang Meng
MFA Design: Illustration
Tim Mcconville
MA Photography
Toby Pritchard
MA Design: Illustration
Vasundhra Thakkar
MA Design: Fashion Art Direction
Jaya Katiyar
MFA Design: Illustration
Edel Fernandez Vanaclocha
MA Design: Illustration
Usman Ashraf
MFA Filmmaking
Pedro Duarte
MA Design: Fashion Art Direction
Louise Miller
MA Design: Craft
Chinatip Egkantrong
MA Design: Illustration