Manchester School of Art MA Show 2020
Michael Swarbrick
MA Photography
Natalia Szulc
MA Fine Art
David Walters
MA Photography
Eve Malam
MA Design: Textile Practice
Sunwon Hong
MA/MSc Design: Product and Furniture
Leyao Xia
MFA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction
Lauren Wilson
MA Photography
Sam Rushton
MA Animation
Grace Fussell
MA/MSc Design: Product and Furniture
Lucy Tibbs
MA Photography
Jaya Katiyar
MFA Design: Illustration
Charlotte Landrum
MA Filmmaking
Tessa Steunenberg
MFA Design: Product and Furniture
Uli Siregar
MA Design: Interior Design
Nonye Azikiwe
MA/MSc Design: Product and Furniture
Nolan Callecod
MA Filmmaking
Chun-Mei Wang
MA Photography
Sarah Kostick
MA Design: Textile Practice