Louis Bever MA Photography

Louis Bever is represented by Gung Ho Represents. Bever has a Masters Degree in Photography from the Manchester School of Art.

Bever enjoys bringing his personable, honest, and passionate photographic process to his commissioned and personal work. Bever’s practice focuses on documenting people and the importance of nature for our well-being. Bever creates projects that explore relatable areas surrounding mental health and relationships.

'Chez Oim' is French Verlan slang meaning 'At Home.' As a British photographer who grew up in vastly-populated European cities like Milan and Paris, Bever always wanted to escape to a natural environment. 'Chez Oim' is an example of how I use wandering in nature as a form of meditation. Bever wants to encourage more people to escape their busy lives and use nature as a stress remedy. This could be your local park or even your local, national trust park.

Bever wants the images to encourage the viewer to walk and explore the beautiful landscapes we have on our doorstep and appreciate their astonishing effects on how we feel. Using nature and photography as a form of meditation helps us become more aware of our surroundings and practice mindfulness. Using a camera allows the photographer to document their acts of mindfulness and then use the images to alleviate anxiety in the future. 'Chez Oim' is a body of work that Bever has been adding images to over the last two years.

The body of work includes photos that I have made in various pockets of nature dotted across Great Britain. A lot of his work is inspired by 17th-19th Century painters during the Romanticism period. When growing up, his parents took me to galleries where we were living in France. The galleries would be filled with dramatic and vast paintings of nature. These paintings have heavily influenced his fascination with our countryside and how I document it through the photographic medium.