Sarah Kostick
The serendipitous actions of time, use and ageing produce a fluctuating patina of life - the ‘golden stain of time’ (Ruskin, 2001). This MA collection inspired by objects of the lost and found, explores the ephemerality of materials through a process of transitioning from textiles into ceramics, with the resulting ghostly shells speaking to the past and present via the material matter produced. The disintegration of the textiles in the burning stage enables the work to tell the story of materials in a different way, almost backwards.
The MA research was carried out in parallel to a project undertaken at CIRTex research centre in Tel Aviv, Israel, involving the exploration of TRC - Textile Reinforced Concrete. Both projects influenced one another, sharing similar themes of material alchemy, an inquisitive approach to experimentation, hard and soft materials, and the potential in textiles as a reinforcing material.