Explore the profiles of this year’s graduating class
By Course, Department or Name.
- Briana Anderson
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Ivonna Ansone
MA/MSc Product Design - Silvia Arranz Chico
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction - Anne-Marie Atkinson
MFA Collaborative Practice - Jodie Barrett
MA Photography - Keeley Bentley
MA Photography - Keith Bloody Mary
MA Visual Culture - Aseel Nasir Bseso
MA Design: Interior Design - Rachel Capovila
MA Textile Practice - Nerissa Cargill Thompson
MA Textile Practice - Simon Carter
MA Photography - Francisco Champac Paucar
MFA Illustration - Ting-Hsuan Chang
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Denice Chung
MFA Fine Art - Paul Cliff
MFA Photography - Bethany Costerd
MA Fine Art - Antony Cross
MA Illustration - Omid DehMirahmadi
MA Fine Art - Mark Demuth Demuth
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Merrick Fernandes
MA/MSc Product Design - Dominique Fletcher
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction - Sarah-Joy Ford
MA Design: Textile Practice - Katherine Frost
MA Design: Illustration - Damyon Anderson Garrity
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction - Emily Gerrard
MA Fashion: Fashion Graphics - Almutasembellah Ghaleb
MA/MSc Product Design - Maria Bartelme Glick
MA Design: Illustration - Benjamin Green
MA Visual Culture - Adam Griffiths
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction - Mina Habibollahzadeh
MA Design: Interior Design - Joseph Haigh
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction - Louisa Hammond
MA Embroidery - Emma Harckham
MFA Filmmaking - Sarah Louise Hawkins
MA Fine Art - Jacquie Hewitt
MA Design: Textile Practice - Scot William John Hornby
MA Textile Practice - I Chia Huang
MA Design: Fashion - Beverley Irving
MFA Illustration - Rhys Jones
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Vane Julian
MA Animation - Yuri Kato
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Karen Lawrenson
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction - Jarek Maciejowski
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Ilektra Maipa
MA Fine Art - Warren McCann
MA Photography - Simon McDonald
MA Design: Interior Design - Nazrawit Mehreteab
MA Design: Jewellery - Ian Morris
MA Design: Illustration - Max Munday
MA by Research - Hyun Nam
MFA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Daniel Newsham
MFA Fine Art - Michael Orr
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Fex Orumwense
MA Filmmaking - Danny Orwin
MA Filmmaking - Tony Pickering
MFA Illustration - Napatt Piyawongwatthana
MFA Illustration - Michele Pouncey-Orr
MA Textile Practice - Lewis Pritchard
MA Fine Art - Kelly Quinzel
MA Embroidery - Gina Riley
MA Design: Illustration - Frances Roddick
MA Design: Fashion Art Direction - Leanne Roebuck
MA Design: Fashion - Willow Rowlands
MA Fine Art - Marilyn Roxie
MA Filmmaking - George Sarell
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction - Chenni Sheng
MFA Design: Jewellery - Angela Sidwell
MA Design: Ceramics - Julia Soboleva
MA Illustration - Lidia Trobyuk
MFA Graphic Design and Art Direction - Andrea Venero Carrasco
MA Design: Fashion Art Direction - Maryah Vos
MA Design: Textile Practice - Sophie Walker
MA Embroidery - Jane Wayles
MA Fashion: Womenswear - Louise Wynne
MA/MSc Product Design - Xiaoyu Xiong
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction - Marco Zanello
MA Design: Interior Design - Patrycja Zofia Marczewska
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction