Victoria Bradburn
MA Graphic Design and Art Direction

The Synthesis module was a pivotal unit for me because it allowed me to amalgamate everything I had already done and explored into something personal and profound to me. This explorative journey through many mediums allowed me to experiment with new and old alike to gain an understanding of complex concepts through ideation, letting the work lead the development and evolution of the research involved. Revisiting my work throughout this MA has enabled me to reflect upon what I have achieved and developed throughout in terms of finding common themes or systems to work through a given brief, coming to a head in this module I named “Texture”.
Texture is a cumulative project where I intertwined my interests with creating depth and often unseen texture using unconventional methods. My process in creating these was somewhat out of the norm for me but allowing this pushed my boundaries and comfort zone into new territories and new realms of creating pieces. This project therefore has multiple tangents, from clay and plaster to glass pieces to wooden typography and concertina books, to match my many new found concepts and context to tie all of this work together. Having many sides to pull together made for interesting interconnections and new connotations based on what the individual is looking at, meaning every person will see this in a new light and interpret it differently.