Lana Fenton MA Graphic Design and Art Direction

Lana Fenton

I am a recent MA graduate who aspires to create a positive impact from my work, by educating and encouraging my audience to do something for the better. As a practitioner I aim to have a deeper understanding in current social and cultural issues and attempt to come up with innovative ways to solve them. 

Within my final masters project i created a brand and campaign to help encourage and guide young adults to start thinking of their future with regards to first time buying a house. I like to challenge myself by studying topics that I know are important, but topics that I have minimal knowledge of. This gives me opportunities to learn and develop new ways to solve issues, via attempting to see things from the audiences perspective. I particularly like to empathise with the audience to create a connection through my work, in order to understand their needs. 

My own curiosity is a big factor in my work therefore research, user experience and experimentation have always been the key drivers within my work.

Currently, I am looking for opportunities to work in the design industry with a team of designers who share the same ambitions and goals as I do, focusing on positive changes through society.