Christopher Goggs MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction

Christopher Goggs

I am a graphic designer based in South Yorkshire, currently specialising in branding, printmaking, and editorial design.

As a creator, I’ve always been obsessed with how things are made, from entirely analogue methods like letterpress and lino printing, to digital motion graphics, and beyond. Using these various processes in my work, I aim to make work that sheds light on aspects of our modern creative processes and through this, the modern world.

Through my MA I focussed my work on the act of looking, and something that I have since termed 'Creative Voyeurism', which is essentially any creative work that explicitly involves looking or being looked at. Some subjects that fell under my studies include gallery selfies, queerness, the occult, and visually exploring the works of creative minds like Walter Benjamin, John Berger and Susan Sontag.

Using the course as a springboard, I've started a new brand called 'Chris Printed This' with which I have created a variety of work, from zines and pamphlets to printed posters, analogue animations, and so on.