Lance Walker

Lance Walker (1)
Lance Walker (2)
Lance Walker (3)

Since the 1980s, a generation of unregulated greed has taken hold of our political and economic system, with a resulting transfer of wealth to a very small percentage of the population. Accompanying this is a deterioration of the public infrastructure and social safety net constructed during a time when the wealthy shared in supporting their communities and the gap between rich and poor was much narrower.

A system of corporate control of legislation has replaced the original role of the government. The rise of "too big to fail" corporations has meant the demise of effective means of governance, and a political system dependent on these entities for funding.

The resulting conversion of the social fabric into a system of wealth extraction has tainted decisions at all levels; from unwanted military excursions to domestic economic policies, as well as affecting decisions the long-term health of the environment.

Messages of Indignation is a project capturing this ongoing disillusionment with the trajectory of public policy decisions in the United States and the United Kingdom as we consider whether we want a society where government works with the people to build community or where government becomes a tool of those who seek only to maximize their profits.

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MMUManchester School of ArtManchester School of Architecture