Amy Morgan
MA Design: Textiles for Fashion

I am a wearable Textile designer, with specialisms in print, colour, surface design and a keen interest in story-telling. My work is very self-reflective, as I pull from my experiences of growing up in Kuwait. These memories as a child were vivid, fantastical and sometimes surreal, which is why I decided to manifest them materially, using texture and juxtapositions in design to tell my Middle Eastern story. I have always wanted to find ways that I can visually represent the feeling of growing up in a fairly new country so heavily inspired by Westernisation, and felt as though my maximalist approach to design would allow for such a thing to take place. Most of my work is inspired by magical realism, a literary genre in which magical or obscure events or objects are amongst a mundane landscape. I wanted this to be demonstrated in my textile and print outcomes, to give the observer a sense of the beauty of the Kuwaiti experience, while also showcasing a child-like chaos within my pieces.