K. Miriam Mabiki

MA Design: Interior Design

The subject of this practice is in the relationship of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The country that has got one of the largest fresh water resources and one of the lowest rates of access to drinking water in Sub-Saharan Africa. The place that is considered to be the one of world’s wealthiest and has one of the lowest rates of electrification. The paradox of DRC has become a real inspiration based on my connection with the country and the personal need to explore its values and help its people. 

My present project, “LOANGO” interactive village, is a residential complex created in opposition to La Cite du Fleuve – a new planned city in the outskirt of Kinshasa. The main idea was to use environmentally – friendly solutions that improve the condition of life and solve some of the crucial issues African countries are facing today with the conceptual focus on social activism. It is my intention to use this project as a developmental tool to facilitate the provision of reliable water and electricity supplies in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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