Rhys Jones
MA Design: Graphic Design and Art Direction
Flux (2018) is used as a visual workshop exploring the concept of aesthetics within a constructivist strategy of thought, this explores aesthetics as a vehicle to study the subjective and sensori-emotional values of the self through the process of curating a range forms within a larger composition. The physical form is created through a range of individual Jesmonite tokens which in themselves are relatively arbitrary, the key focus of the piece is to explore the interplay between these tokens generating an endless number of compositions. This allows a reflection on personal identity and subjective taste within the audience's interpretation and is developed into hands-on workshops to explore the concept of the self, aesthetics, and curation within a contemporary design practice.
The piece is developed as an idiosyncratic extension of my MA research focus which responded to key themes of sociocultural anthropology, and the concept of the ‘self’ as reoccurring interests within my practice. This explores the culture clash of our contrasting everyday environments which lead me to question the effects of sociocultural influences on personal identity and how we structure a personal reflection of the self.