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Jacek Bies

MA Graphic Design and Art Direction

For the last 5 years, I have been involved in two different industries: Electronics and Print. Both environments are very intense and innovative. The only difference is one of them is a pure science and another consist elements of design.

The intention of my MA was to find a happy balance between technology and art. I was researching programmable LEDs and sensors to explore a new way of working with graphic elements. My work is representing an interaction between the light and the self. Light give us different colours and effects; we, in turn, give them a meaning by interpreting and acting upon them.

I was aiming to combine immaterial code and material electronic components to create LED objects that invite the audience to engage in a dialogue. By adopting concepts of random sequences and dynamic abstraction generated through coding I wanted to show the light as a „living” organism.

LinkedIn: jacek-bies

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