Anastasia Victorova
Her background lies within film and video studies, but through the MA she started to specialize more in projection mapping, VJ-ing and digital set production. Recently, she took part in several concerts, one of which was an experimental collaboration project with Royal Collage of Music - Mise en scene, where with AV team she produced graphics and videos for the show.
Her video artworks go beyond cinema traditions and take the form of installations with latest ones “Individual Non-place” and “Sputnic-S3”, both exploring concepts of sublime, journey and landscape.
“Sputnic-S3”, presented on MA degree show is a result of the research through practice around Kant’s sublime and discovering its inseparable dependence and closure within I. Time, personal experience and space step forward creating also a field for polemics around traditional cinema fundamentals.
Anastasia’s approach to cinema studies involves usage of other medias and forms of expressions.