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Patti Crozier

Patti is a graduate of Industrial Design Innovation and is studying an MA in Interior Design. Before embarking upon her MA she was designing award winning commercial interiors from 2007. Her background in marketing, teamed with a passion for commercial interiors has developed a keen interest in emotive, multi-sensory design as a method of engaging consumers.

Her MA is a manifestation of a year's research into the power of using the senses in retail design, culminating in two exhibitions that combine narratives and archetypes with senses.

The 'future of retail' is a conceptual vision of her theories and is a collaboration between Nike and NHS. The occupation, across two buildings, is designed to encourage physical activity and healthier lifestyles in order to meet NHS obesity prevention targets.

Her Professional Practice work is a collaborative project between MA student Marie Young, Perfumer, Karen Gilbert and illustrator, Mike O'Shaunessey. The work is multi-sensory sculpture designed to draw in the viewer and trigger associations and perceptions.

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