Stuart Walker

Stuart Walker (1)
Stuart Walker (2)
Stuart Walker (3)

The focus of my work is water, specifically how water is managed at the water catchment area scale. This scale encompasses rural and urban areas. Water is a key issue at this time and causes a lot of conflict between us and natural processes. Through rethinking this relationship a great number of opportunities can be created and benefits for both nature and man.

This rethinking involves looking at natural processes and utilising them for our own needs. These processes have a much greater capacity to adapt and change with unpredictable events, like rain water levels, than man made processes. Therefore, by making these natural processes perform to our needs, it will allow human processes to become more adaptive and a better relationship will form.

This is a break from current water design thinking, which is to design the current problem and consider little about its long term effects. This new way of thinking can evolve over time, deal with unpredictable events and through looking at the water catchment area as a whole, more benefits can be created for us and nature.

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MMUManchester School of ArtManchester School of Architecture