Miklos Csepely-Knorr

Miklos Csepely-Knorr (1)
Miklos Csepely-Knorr (2)

I'm fascinated about the beauty of capturing my surroundings to redraw the reality into my inner reflection. Photography is my passion, my lifestyle and the way I express who I am. There is no rule or limit to pursue, just pure uplifting freedom when I look through the viewfinder. I love the technology and the 160 years of history behind photography with each image I take (art or commercial) I want to pay my respect towards this constantly changing and developing profession. In my installation demonstrate the four major character types; Rational (Phlegmatic), Artisian (Sanguine), Guardian (Melancholic), Idealist (Choleric). The four designed character are the final manifestation of my research about the question: Does portrait photography define the character of the sitter?



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MMUManchester School of ArtManchester School of Architecture