Jacob Helm

Jacob Helm (1)
Jacob Helm (2)
Jacob Helm (3)

Hybrid Zones

My work takes its inspiration from evolutionary hypotheses in relation to Hybrid Zones. Hybrid Zones are areas of ecological transition, where genetically distinct populations interact, overcoming the reproductive barriers between species. They can be regarded as "natural laboratories".

The Hybrid Zones work identifies the processes and connections that exist within an environment. Through manipulation, enhancement, reconnection and the introduction of new possibilities the work aims to establish a new dynamic model within a territory that evolves through a series of processes and connections, leading to a diverse set of conditions allowing hybrid recombinants and new relationships to be formed.

The development of the Hybrid Zone is a dynamic and adaptive process resulting in a superior form and network that is sustainable and able to cope with and absorb long and short term fluctuation. The adaptability and sustainability of the Hybrid Zone comes from its transitional qualities. The processes and connections that exist within the Hybrid Zone do not exist as separate entities, they are bonded together through a series of connections that adapt and reconfigure to the needs of the environment.

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