Hazel Cunliffe

Hazel Cunliffe (1) Hazel Cunliffe (3)
Hazel Cunliffe (2) Hazel Cunliffe (4)

My approach has led to creating a landscape that can be self-sufficient. By expanding riparian zones, I aim to 're-territorialise' the landscape creating a riparian 'corridor'.

A 'tool kit' that comprises of a series of components displays the possibilities of utilising on-site materials in accordance to each stage of the development. Riparian structures are chosen as they have the ability to resolve underlying issues of the Eden Valley that are largely to do with water. This also increases the potential for new activity creating a sustainable relationship between humans and their environment.

The intention is to source all material from the location itself, only utilising imported materials if absolutely necessary.

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MMUManchester School of ArtManchester School of Architecture